Nanobébé's innovative and modern breastmilk storage bags are designed to prevent both spillage and spoilage, and most importantly, protect your precious milk. Designed to hold milk in a thin layer, they cool and thaw quickly, reducing bacterial growth risk during cooling, and preserving nutrients from the dangers of overheating. Nanobebe's breastmilk storage bags are durable, leak-proof, extra-thick, and feature a double-zipper closure. Store them in Nanobébé's freezer organizer (sold separately), which enables hygienic and space-saving storage, and helps you to track pumping orders by maintaining a first-in, first-out policy.
- Cool and thaw 2x faster, to reduce bacterial growth and preserve nutrients.
- Space-saving storage and helps you to track pumping order.
- Durable, leak-proof, and extra-thick to protect your liquid gold.
- Pre-sterilized and single-use to ensure hygienic storage.
- BPA and Phthalate free.